Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Aussitôt Mort

aussitot mort!

Aussitôt Mort or "As Soon As Dead", is one hell of a a band from Caen, France. These guys started off in 2005 coming down on our faces with the amazing wave of French-Screamo that we all know and love so much. When asked about them I've been was told it's like, Gameness with a much more post-rock sound and guitars like Celeste. Can't complain with what I've heard in fact they've become one of my top bands over the past couple of months. What makes them worth my time, you may ask. Well one things for certain; any band who has gotten a hold of Pierre the bass player from Amanda Woodword is at least worth a listen.

These guys are currently on tour in Japan with Heaven in Her Arms (another fantastic screamo-hardcore band that I will make a note of to post sometime) and have just released a new LP entitled "Montuenga" that is some sick shit. Much more subdued compared to their older ep and demo it combines an Isis like sound with their already solid rifts and fantastic vocals. "Montuenga's" tracks are longer and have more sweet dialouges that would be even sweeter if I could understand French; It can be ordered from any of the sites I will include at the bottom of the page.

As great as these guys are it's pretty difficult to grab their stuff in America. So I decided to throw up the whole Aussitôt Discography on this post. I hope you all appreciate it cause it's one fine bunch of ep's, demo's, etc. Enjoy!


Monteunga (2008)

Buy:Level Plane Records

6 songs am

6 Songs (2007)

am demo

Demo (2006)

b/am split

Balboa 7" Split (2006)
